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Democracy's Watchdog
0.0 stars

In this lesson, students learn about the vital role the First Amendment protections of free speech and a free press play in American democracy using four case studies of notable investigative (or “watchdog”) reporting. This jigsaw-style lesson has students join an “expert” group to focus on one specific case study.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
NewsLit Nation
News Literacy Project
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Digital Age Skill: Language Arts - What Makes a Hero
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This is a lesson using Digital Age Skills in Language Arts. The lesson refers to a documentary about Rosa Parks. This lesson could be taught using any documentary as an anchor text. The outcome of the lesson is for students to produce a documentary of their own based on a hero in their lives.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
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Digital Citizenship
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0.0 stars

This is a hyperdoc with links to a variety of videos and resources around the concept of digital citizenship. It includes definitions, how-to videos, and links to resources about how to handle cyberbullying.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
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Digital Financial Presentation using Screencastify
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0.0 stars

he classroom teacher has already led the students in the project kickoff and will have assistance in leading the technology portion of the project. Students have created some sort of presentation piece, possibly a slideshow or a poster, we will add narration to a video of the presentation.

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Digital Literacy Lesson Plan
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0.0 stars

Hyperdoc playlist of activities for digital literacy lesson. Teacher will need to populate the "Guided Practice" section with updated links to current events. Check out The Sift from the News Literacy Project to get ides.

English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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Digital and Civic Literacy Skills
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

**This resource is published by Learning for Justice.Digital and Civic Literacy Skills is an online website created by Learning for Justice and is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The website includes videos and lessons for students to learn digital and civic literacy skills.

Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Information Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Cyber Citizenship Initiative
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Discovering Our Topic: Freshwater Around the World
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0.0 stars

Students are introduced to the module guiding questions, which include how the world's freshwater is threatened, in Work Time B. Be aware that some may connect with this topic personally and deeply. Monitor students and determine whether there are any issues surfacing that need to be discussed in more detail as a whole group, in smaller groups, independently, or with families. Students' feelings may be personal, and they are not required to share them.
In Work Time A, students participate in the Infer the Topic protocol to familiarize themselves with the module topic using resources from the texts they will be reading throughout the module (RI.3.1, W.3.8, SL.3.1). They continue to build on the foundations of inferring the topic as they are introduced to the performance task and the module guiding questions in Work Time B.
In Work Time C, students hear a read-aloud of Water Dance and determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary (RL.3.4, L.3.4). This text is meant to engage students in the topic with poetry and illustrations and to allow practice determining the central message (RL.3.2).
Students begin a class KWEL chart in the Closing. The process of adding to the chart will be repeated in later lessons. Pay careful attention to the routine in this lesson to apply it in subsequent lessons.
In this lesson, students focus on working to become effective learners as they concentrate on a characteristic of their choice.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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Discovering Our Topic: Human Rights
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In this lesson, students participate in the Infer the Topic protocol by engaging with the texts they will read throughout the module (RL.5.1, W.5.8, SL.5.1).
Be aware that human rights threats and the events of Esperanza Rising may be sensitive for students. Reflection time is provided during lessons and for homework to give students and families an opportunity to process connections they make. Be aware that these connections may be personal and students are not required to share them.
In Work Time B, students generate a Discussion Norms anchor chart. Ensure that all of the cues and responses suggested on the Discussion Norms anchor chart (example, for teacher reference) are added, as these will support students in having productive and equitable discussions that will deepen their understanding (SL.5.1).
In this lesson, students do not collect new vocabulary independently. New vocabulary is collected on the Academic Word Wall. Students are introduced to their vocabulary logs in Lesson 4, where they will collect vocabulary from the texts they read.
During all interaction, be aware that partnering with, looking at, talking with, or touching the opposite gender may be uncomfortable and inappropriate for some students. In addition, some students may believe it is inappropriate to speak with other students of either gender at all during class. Let students know that in the United States, speaking with a peer of either gender when the teacher gives the signal is appropriate, and it is one way that students can become independent learners and develop their content knowledge and language ability. At the same time, tell them you respect their needs, and if necessary, seek alternative arrangements for students according to their cultural traditions.
This lesson is the first in a series of two that include built-out instruction for strategic use of the Think-Pair-Share protocol to promote productive and equitable conversation.
This lesson uses cold calling, calling on students without them volunteering, as a total participation technique. Be aware that cold calling may be unfamiliar or embarrassing for some students. Prepare students and their families by telling them that cold calling in the United States is common and is a protocol that helps to ensure that all student voices are heard and respected. The protocol also provides the teacher with one way to assess what students know.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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Discovering Our Topic: Peter Pan
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0.0 stars

Throughout this module, students revisit the module guiding questions introduced in this lesson: "How do writers capture a reader's imagination?" and "What can we learn from reading literary classics?"
In this lesson, students participate in the Infer the Topic protocol to familiarize themselves with the module topic, using resources from the texts they will be reading throughout the module (RL.3.1, W.3.8, SL.3.1).
In Work Time C, students begin reading Peter Pan retold by Tania Zamorsky. The routine of reading aloud as students follow along silently in their heads, and then recounting the chapter will be repeated (with gradual release) in each lesson until students have finished reading the book in Unit 2. Pay careful attention to the routines in this lesson in order to apply them to subsequent lessons.
In this module, a literary classic is defined as a story that was written a long time ago but is still enjoyed today. It is important students understand that one person's idea of a literary classic might be different from someone else's because there are no set rules about what a literary classic is.
Ensure students understand that they are reading Peter Pan as an example of a literary classic and that we can learn things about different time periods in history through reading literary classics. Also ensure that they understand the importance of studying these classics so they can learn from the narrative techniques used.
It is important to be sensitive to students' and families' feelings and experiences with regard to literary classics in the U.S., such as Peter Pan--feelings that may range from very positive to somewhat neutral to very negative. Some people love the adventure, the characters, and the descriptive writing; others find the racism and sexism offensive--for example, the way Mrs. Darling stays at home and looks after duties there while Mr. Darling goes out to work--and also the descriptions of "Indians." These issues are discussed more in the next lesson through an informational context text, but it is important to be prepared to handle them sensitively should they arise.
After reading each chapter, students have time to reflect. Monitor your students and determine whether issues are surfacing that need to be discussed in more detail as a whole group, in smaller groups, or independently.
ELL supports within the Meeting Students' Needs column have changed. Each support is labeled and fully explained the first time it is used, then labeled and condensed in subsequent lessons (see the Unit 1 Overview).
Note that the Mini Language Dive format has changed to reflect a more student-centered approach (see the module overview).
Beginning in this lesson and throughout much of Units 1-2, students are asked to follow along silently as you read the text aloud or to read chorally as a class or with partners. This builds their fluent reading skills. In this lesson, students follow along, reading silently in their heads as the teacher reads Chapter 1 of Peter Pan aloud during Work Time C.
This lesson is the first in a series of three that include built-out instruction for the use of Goal 4 Conversation Cues. Conversation Cues are questions teachers can ask students to promote productive and equitable conversation (adapted from Michaels, Sarah and O'Connor, Cathy. Talk Science Primer. Cambridge, MA: TERC, 2012. Based on Chapin, S., O'Connor, C., and Anderson, N. [2009]. Classroom Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, Grades K-6. Second Edition. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications). Goal 4 Conversation Cues encourage students to think with other students to expand the conversation. Continue drawing on Goals 1-3 Conversation Cues, introduced in Modules 1-2, and add Goal 4 Conversation Cues throughout Modules 3-4 to more strategically promote productive and equitable conversation. Refer to the Tools page for additional information on Conversation Cues. Consider providing students with a thinking journal or scrap paper. Examples of the Goal 4 Conversation Cues you will see in the remaining modules are (with expected responses):
To encourage students to compare ideas:
Teacher: "How is what _____said the same as/different from what _____ said? I'll give you time to think and write."
Student: "_____ said _____. That's different from what _____ said because _____."

To encourage students to agree or disagree and explain why:
Teacher: "Do you agree or disagree with what your classmate said? Why? I'll give you time to think and write."
Student: "I agree/disagree because _____."

To encourage students to add on to others' ideas:
Teacher: "Who can add on to what your classmate said? I'll give you time to think and write."
Student: "I think that _____."

To encourage students to explain others' ideas:
Teacher: "Who can explain why your classmate came up with that response? I'll give you time to think and write."
Student: "I think what she's saying is _____."

Note that Goal 4 Conversation Cues are not built into the Discussion Norms anchor chart, as these cues are best suited for teachers facilitating student conversations.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Distance, Transportation, and Scale
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0.0 stars

Students will explore how not all distances are equally distant.

GeoInquiries are designed to be fast and easy-to-use instructional resources that incorporate advanced web mapping technology. Each 15-minute activity in a collection is intended to be presented by the instructor from a single computer/projector classroom arrangement. No installation, fees, or logins are necessary to use these materials and software.

Social Science
Material Type:
Michigan Virtual
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Dollars and Dentists (Informational Writing for the Resource English Classroom)
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0.0 stars

This is a writing assignment designed specifically for the special education setting.  It involves having the students watch a high-interest video with teacher supported discussion.  Students will use the information from the video along with three informational articles that they read.  One article is provided for them.  They need to find two articles on their own and read them.  There are no citation requirements for this paper, however, that could easily be added.

This could easily be modified for the general education classroom adding the following Standards:  RI5, RI6, RI7, W4, W7, and W8.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Michigan Virtual
Date Added:
Drafting the Constitution
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The 1780s has often been termed the "critical period" for the new nation. The dangers posed by economic crisis and the disillusionment that came with the collapse of Revolutionary expectations for dramatically improved conditions combined to make the decade a period of discontent, reconsideration, and, in the end, a dramatic new proposal for redirecting the nation. Just as the Revolution had been born of diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, even among the Patriots, so too, ideas about the future of the United States in the 1780s were often cast in dramatic opposition to one another.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Independence Hall Association
Provider Set:
US History
Date Added:
Early Civilization in the Indus Valley
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Although the intricate details of the early Indus Valley culture might never be fully known, many pieces of the ancient puzzle have been discovered. The remains of the Indus Valley cities continue to be unearthed and interpreted today. With each new artifact, the history of early Indian civilization is strengthened and the legacy of this ingenious and diverse metropolis is made richer.

Ancient History
Material Type:
Independence Hall Association
Provider Set:
Ancient Civilizations
Date Added: