Introducing students to online reading, annotating, content curation, communication tools
- Subject:
- English Language Arts
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Provider:
- Michigan Virtual
- Date Added:
- 05/12/2017
Introducing students to online reading, annotating, content curation, communication tools
Students will discover the meaning behind and uses for adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions and other elements of grammar. They will work in partners or groups to create a visual presentation that will teach classmates the most important and useful characteristics of their assigned grammar element.
*Please see link included for a more detailed planning document.
Students will be designing a graphic based on the book they have finished reading in their guided reading group. They will use the app, Canva (, to create the graphic. The graphic will include key details, descriptions, themes, plot, summary, as well as other text evidence we have discussed throughout our guided reading time together. Students will create their graphics, and present them in a gallery walk for the rest of the class.
The content on their graphics will come from our guided reading group questions and discussions . They will record answers in their Google Classroom, based on the questions I post. Questions will be text dependent, and focus on comprehension, main idea, key details, point of view, and connections. Students will then synthesize the information and discussion topics to create a graphic about their book.
In these lessons, students play the role of a GIS specialist for a North Dakota advocacy group. The group wants to alert state and federal officials to this negative effect of the oil boom in order to receive more resources for housing and shelters. Students first download tabular (table-based) data on homelessness. Then, they map the data in ArcMap by joining it to state geography. They publish their map layer to ArcGIS Online and make a set of online maps anyone can access. Finally, students present their maps in a single, easy-to-understand web app.
Students will explore the spatial patterns of the Human Development Index (HDI) to identify regional patterns and causal factors in the data.
GeoInquiries are designed to be fast and easy-to-use instructional resources that incorporate advanced web mapping technology. Each 15-minute activity in a collection is intended to be presented by the instructor from a single computer/projector classroom arrangement. No installation, fees, or logins are necessary to use these materials and software.
In this project, students perform a viewshed analysis to determine the visual impact of a wind farm with four large turbines in a study area in England. A viewshed is the area visible from a specific vantage point. Viewshed analysis shows areas where observers can see an object or objects, or conversely, areas that can be seen from those objects. Although a complete wind farm analysis would examine other factors as well, these lessons focus on the visual impact assessment portion of the analysis. Students assess the visual impacts of building the wind farm by generating maps of zones of theoretical visibility under various assumptions.
In this project, students identify areas at highest risk of flooding and landslides during a major rain event. They first explore the region's dramatic geography and identify how the most flood-prone areas correspond with large population centers. Then, they determine where landslides are most likely to occur and summarize the population in these at-risk areas. Overall, students get a picture of the dangers faced in Boulder County and the costs associated with rebuilding in the wake of catastrophe.
Introducing Seesaw App to third grade students in speech therapy
In this blended unit students will review the parts of a story including characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end. Students will analyze a character based on their words, actions and thoughts. Students will describe complex characters, and identify character motivation giving supporting details from the text. They will explain how a character changes over the course of a narrative. Students will describe a setting and the events of a story using details from the text. Students will make inferences related to the details given in the story.
This is a study at the AP level of Spanish on the Guerra Sucia of Argentina. Although the instructions are in English, all work would be done in the target language.
Students will explore patterns of cultural diffusion through linguistic and religious data.
GeoInquiries are designed to be fast and easy-to-use instructional resources that incorporate advanced web mapping technology. Each 15-minute activity in a collection is intended to be presented by the instructor from a single computer/projector classroom arrangement. No installation, fees, or logins are necessary to use these materials and software.
This LO demonstrates how to create in-text citations for tricky situations including more than one author, multiple quotes by the same source in a paragraph, corporate authors, electronic sources.
This LO demonstrates how to create the most common types of in-text citations.
This LO demonstrates how to follow MLA guidelines to set up a document.
This LO introduces how to correctly format a block quote following MLA 8.
This LO covers how to create both the in-text citation and works cited citation for books.
This LO covers how to create both the in-text citation and works cited citation for most electronic sources students will encounter.
This LO covers how to create both the in-text citation and works cited citation for different types of multimedia including images, audio, and video.
This LO covers how to create both the in-text citation and works cited citation for other types of sources that weren’t covered in previous lessons. It is less likely for students to encounter these types of situations.
This LO covers how to create both the in-text citation and works cited citation for periodicals.