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  • digtial-citizenship
Media Literacy Portfolio
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This project would consist of students learning that their digital footprint can be used to assess their learning, ethics and habits. Students will be analyzing social media types and incidents that have occurred with social media.  This includes social media's impact on news, research and above all personal choices and representation.  Each student will be creating a digital portfolio with a technology representation of themselves that they would want others to see them as.  This portfolio would include goal setting charts, goal planning, examples of quality work areas of education and areas of interest  that they are curious about or would like to learn from.  This portfolio would follow the students through middle school and continue to the high school level as part of their senior portfolio and graduation requirements from the Eatonville School District.  This piece is intended to demonstrate that media placed in digital format is a representation of you and your work.  Students can use this for their benefit and to be taken as a 21st century learner.

Computer Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Travis Rush
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